Laser Hair Removal vs. Waxing
We all have tried so many ways to get rid of unwanted hair in certain areas, but what exactly is more effective? Which method eventually leads to this state of “permanency?? Can we even reach the point of permanent hair removal? 정보이용료 현금화
So what exactly is laser hair removal? Laser hair removal is basically lasers that use different wavelengths of light. All laser systems emit a beam of light that passes through the skin, to the hair follicle where it is absorbed by the hair. At that stage, the laser is then turned into heat which disables the follicle. Patients usually need at 3-6 treatments for desired results, while others may need up to 6-8.
How does waxing differ? A wax combination is spread over the skin, and then a cloth strip is pressed on the top and then ripped off with a quick movement removing the wax along with the hair and dead skin cells, leaving the skin smooth. How long will it take until hair grows? Generally, between 3-8 weeks hair will re-grow, although generally finer.
Overall, whether it’d be laser hair removal or waxing, it takes a certain amount of treatments. Laser hair removal is good in a way that it takes fewer treatments until you start to notice the desired results. While on the other hand, waxing may take longer until all the hair becomes finer. Waxing is a lot cheaper by the session than a laser. In comparison, they both have their ups and downs. Either way, we’ll eventually reach our desired results.소액결제 업체

Brazilian Bikini Wax
The phenomenon of Brazilian bikini waxing is increasing by the minute. Its popularity has grown tremendously among many celebrities, as well as the rest of us average Joe’s. Speaking of Joe, after the initial shock of seeing the results of a Brazilian bikini wax, men have admitted to feeling more attracted to their significant other during sexual activities. “I didn’t think I’d get into the bald eagle look until my girlfriend surprised me with it,?says new believer Chad from New York. “She made certain the lights were off and when I felt her it was like, oh my God, an unbelievably primal welling of emotion. First from the shock and then from the whole little girl eroticism of it. It’s hard to describe. I guess it was like tasting forbidden fruit. Oral sex was definitely better because there was no hair to get in the way. Even regular old missionary position sex was better. Until she started growing stubble.”소액결제 미납
What Is It?
What’s involved in a Brazilian bikini wax procedure you ask? Well, you are usually asked to remove your clothes from the waist down. The fact is your underwear needs to be moved to do the job correctly. Some women aren’t comfortable with this, but if you want a Brazilian wax you better be prepared to drop ‘em. The Brazilian Bikini Wax usually requires your active participation in positioning your body so the esthetician can remove your hair.
The esthetician applies warm wax to a small section of your skin. A smooth fabric strip is placed over the waxed area and rrrrrip. The hair is removed by a brisk tug. This procedure is continued until the shape you prefer is created or your pubic area is hair-free. Any remaining hairs are plucked with tweezers prior to applying an ointment to the newly waxed area to smooth any irritation.
Why Do Women Do This?소액결제 정책 해결
Some women have admitted to having a Brazilian bikini wax for the purpose of heightened sexual gratification with their significant other, while others attest that it just feels sexy walking around with it under a business suit, which attributes to their confidence throughout the day.
Does It Hurt?
This service is not as painful as one would expect. Using hard wax instead of soft wax reduces the discomfort by 70%.
The Treatment for Eczema
Who gets eczema?
Eczema occurs in both children and adults but usually appears during infancy. Although there is no known cause for the disease, it often affects people with a family history of allergies.카드깡 수수료
Those who are genetically predisposed and then exposed to environmental triggers may develop eczema. Many people who have eczema also suffer from allergic rhinitis and asthma or have family members who do.
How common is eczema?
The National Institutes of Health estimates that 15 million people in the United States have some form of eczema. About 10 percent to 20 percent of all infants have eczema; however, in nearly half of these children, the disease will improve greatly by the time they are between five and 15 years of age. Others will have some form of the disease throughout their lives.소액결제 정책미납
How can eczema be prevented?
Eczema outbreaks can usually be avoided with some simple precautions. The following suggestions may help to reduce the severity and frequency of flare-ups:
- Moisturize frequently
- Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity
- Avoid sweating or overheating
- Reduce stress
- Avoid scratchy materials (e.g., wool or other irritants)
- Avoid harsh soaps, detergents, and solvents
- Avoid environmental factors that trigger allergies (e.g., pollens, molds, mites, and animal dander)
- Be aware of any foods that may cause an outbreak and avoid those foods소액결제 업체 수수료
How can eczema be treated?
One of the most important components of an eczema treatment routine is to prevent scratching. Because eczema is usually dry and itchy, the most common treatment is the application of lotions or creams to keep the skin as moist as possible. These treatments are generally most effective when applied directly after bathing (within three minutes is a common recommendation) so that the moisture from the bath is “locked in.” Cold compresses applied directly to itchy skin can also help relieve itching. If the condition persists, worsens, or does not improve satisfactorily, another effective treatment is the application of nonprescription corticosteroid creams and ointments to reduce inflammation.
Alternatives to nonprescription corticosteroids include more potent prescription corticosteroid creams and ointments, which are effective, but which may have some side effects. To prevent side effects such as skin thinning, your doctor may limit the length of treatment time and locations where you can apply the treatment. For severe flare-ups, your doctor may prescribe oral corticosteroids, but be aware that side effects including new flare-ups can develop when treatment is discontinued (this treatment is not recommended for long-term use).아이폰 현금화
Skin affected by eczema may frequently become infected. If this happens to you, your doctor may prescribe topical or oral antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the infection.
For severe itching, sedative antihistamines are sometimes used to reduce the itch and are available in both prescription and over-the-counter varieties. Because drowsiness is a common side effect, antihistamines are often used in the evening to help a person restless from eczema get to sleep. Because of the same sedative effect, though, persons taking these agents should not drive. Tar treatments and phototherapy are also used and can have positive effects; however, tar can be messy. Phototherapy requires special equipment (lights). Finally, in cases where eczema is resistant to therapy, your physician may prescribe the drug cyclosporine A, which modifies immune response; however, this is used only in extreme cases because of its association with serious side effects.
Two topical medications, tacrolimus, and pimecrolimus have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat atopic dermatitis. These medications belong to a class of drugs called calcineurin inhibitors and work by modulating the immune response. Pimecrolimus and tacrolimus are a much-welcomed addition because they have not produced some of the side effects associated with long-term topical corticosteroid use, such as thinning skin and loss of effectiveness.휴대폰 결제
The Art of Tattoo Removal
No one knows when the practice of tattooing the skin began, but Egyptian mummies dating back to 1300 B.C. have shown evidence of blue tattoo marks. Tattooing is accomplished by injecting colored pigment into small deep holes made in the skin. Regardless of who injects the pigment – a tattoo artist or an untrained person the marks or designs are relatively permanent. For various personal reasons, people turn to physicians to have tattoos removed.
Fortunately, there are several methods for tattoo removal which have proven successful. In most cases, however, some scarring or color variations remain. The conspicuousness of these blemishes depends upon several factors including size, location, the individual’s healing process, how the tattoo was applied, and the length of time it has been on the skin. A tattoo performed by a more experienced tattoo artist, for example, maybe easier to remove since the pigment is evenly injected in the same level of the skin. A tattoo that has been on the skin for a considerable length of time may be more difficult to remove than a new one.안드로이드 현금화
Methods of Tattoo Removal
There are several excellent methods of tattoo removal available today. The method that the physician chooses will depend upon the size of the tattoo and its location as well as the length of time it has been on the skin. How the patient heals may also be a factor in the decision.
Another popular method of tattoo removal especially when the dyed area is small is by excision. The advantage of this method is that the entire tattoo can be removed. With larger tattoos, however, it may be necessary to excise in stages, removing the center of it initially and the sides at a later date.
Excision involves an injection of a local anesthetic to numb the area after which the tattoo is removed surgically. The edges are then brought together and sutured. With this procedure, there is minimal bleeding which is easily controlled with electrocautery. In some cases involving large tattoos, a skin graft taken from another part of the body may be necessary.
Another method of tattoo removal is called dermabrasion in which a small portion of the tattoo is sprayed with a solution that freezes the area. The tattoo is then “sanded” with a rotary abrasive instrument causing the skin to peel. Because some bleeding is likely to occur, a dressing is immediately applied to the area.정보이용료 현금화 방법
In recent times, many physicians consider laser surgery one of the best methods of tattoo removal. Today, the Q-switched Nd: Yag, Q-switched Alexandrite, and the Q-switched Ruby are among the most frequently used lasers today for the removal of unwanted tattoos. They are all employed in a similar manner. If necessary, a cream to numb the skin can be applied prior to the treatment. Pulses of light from the laser are directed onto the tattoo breaking up the tattoo pigment. Over the next several weeks the body’s scavenger cells remove the treated pigmented areas. More than one treatment is usually necessary to remove the entire tattoo.휴대폰 소액결제 한도
Salabrasion, a procedure that is centuries old, is a method still sometimes used today to remove tattoos. As with the other methods, a local anesthetic is used on and around the tattooed area after which a solution of ordinary tap water dipped in table salt is applied. An abrading apparatus such as the one used with dermabrasion, or an even simpler device such as a wooden block wrapped in gauze, is used to vigorously abrade the area. When the area becomes deep red in color, a dressing is applied.
What Results Can Be Expected?
Regardless of which method of tattoo removal is used, some scarring or color variations are likely to remain. Healing time varies depending upon the size and depth of the tattoo, the procedure used, and the patient’s healing process. It is important for the patient to discuss with the physician the various procedures, how they are performed, and the probable results. Care of the treated area must also be discussed.
Age Spot Removal
Today, men and women of all ages are seeking better alternatives to having healthy, youthful skin. Medical laser technology has evolved to provide non-invasive “no downtime” treatments for certain benign skin conditions like age spots. The Anti Aging Group is medically supervised, very affordable, and gives you the best in age spot removal
If you have unsightly age spots that make you look older than necessary laser skin therapy treatments can provide a safe and effective alternative you have been looking for. The process of laser age spot removal has never been easier, so give us a call at 1-800-325-1325 to set up a free consultation, and get ready to fall in love with your skin again. Enjoy a more youthful appearance with the Anti Aging Group.
Do laser treatments for spot removal hurt?
Most patients describe the sensation to feel like the snap of a rubber band on the skin as the laser pulses are delivered through the handpiece. Some patients request topical anesthesia for added comfort. Following treatment, the pain is minimal to nonexistent.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically only one or two treatments are all that is necessary. Occasionally darker, larger spots may require additional treatment to obtain optimal results.휴대폰결제 현금화
How long do treatments take?
Depending on the number, size, and location of the lesions, treatments usually take only a few minutes.
Will the spots return after treatment?
Not usually. However, new spots may appear over time, but these too can be removed. Optimal results can be maintained only if you apply sunscreen on the treated area and avoid future sun exposure.
Are these treatments safe?
Yes. Lasers and advanced light systems have been used safely on millions of patients of all ages worldwide. These systems treat only the targeted lesions (spots), leaving the surrounding tissue intact. There are many benefits to laser surgery including little if any pain, no needles for most patients, less bruising and swelling, and once removed, the lesions rarely return. The risk of scarring or discoloration is minimal.리니지 현금화
Your Laser Spot Removal Treatment
Laser Spot Removal gives your doctor precise control as the procedure gently removes the spots to reveal smooth, fresher-looking skin. The laser’s energy is delivered in pulses via a handpiece held very close to the skin. As the laser pulses, you may feel a slight sting. If needed, local anesthesia can be applied to the treatment area. Spots are removed in a precise, rapid, bloodless fashion achieving excellent results.
How will I feel after my laser treatments?
Following laser treatment, there may be a little discoloration. After several days a crust will form and fall off within 7-14 days. Occasionally some discoloration may persist for several months.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects are rare. Immediately following treatment, the skin may appear flushed, brown-pigmented spots may appear darker, and capillaries may be more visible. You will learn more about side effects during your consultation.휴대폰 소액결제 현금화
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The Rosacea Treatment
What is Rosacea?
By some recent estimates, Rosacea afflicts 13 million Americans. Rosacea is a chronic disease that usually first appears as a subtle reddening on the face. Over time this may develop into some inflammation and may be accompanied by skin eruptions. About half of Rosacea suffers also have some sort of symptoms with their eyes (known as Ocular Rosacea). If left untreated, over time Rosacea can result in the appearance of red lines which result from swollen or damaged veins. [ More on Symptoms…]
Who Gets Rosacea?
Rosacea most commonly afflicts adults between the ages of 30 and 60 though it has been know to afflict children. Symptoms usually start to appear in people in their 30s or 40s. Men and women are equally likely to be affected and there seems to be a genetic aspect to the disease. In one survey, forty percent of rosacea sufferers surveyed could identify a relative with the symptoms of rosacea. There is a reasonably common belief the people of Irish or Northern European descent are more likely to be affected though some studies have not necessarily supported this. There is no evidence that Rosacea can be passed from one person to another (i.e: it is not a contagious condition).
What Causes It?
The exact cause of Rosacea is still largely unknown, however, the symptoms are reasonably well understood as are a variety of lifestyle factors (such as particular foods and activities) that are known to trigger outbreaks in people that have the disease.
[ More on Lifestyle Factors…]소액결제 한도정책
Can it Be Cured?
At this time there is no complete cure for Rosacea. Several treatments have been shown to be successful in reducing or eliminating the symptoms. These treatments, in combination with modifying the lifestyle factors (mentioned above), can greatly reduce the day-to-day impact of the disease for most people.신용카드 현금화
If you believe that you may have Rosacea, the first thing to do is to see your dermatologist. Many of the symptoms of Rosacea could be the result of other ailments. As always when dealing with this sort of situation, professional advice should be your first course of action.
If you have been diagnosed with Rosacea you need to know that there is currently no cure. In fact, the cause of Rosacea is still somewhat of a mystery. Having said this, however, the good news is that there are many things that can be done to bring the disease under control and minimize the symptoms, and also to prevent the disease from progressing further. In general, the treatment is aimed at the control of redness, inflammation, and skin eruptions. Treatment is necessary to prevent permanent damage.
Forms of Treatments
In most cases, once a diagnosis of Rosacea has been made a dermatologist will prescribe a combination of oral antibiotics and the use of antibiotic gel as initial treatment. The oral antibiotics will bring the condition under control (reducing redness and the formation of papules and pustules), then the topical treatments will be used to keep the symptoms under control. In all cases, the dermatologist should help to determine the relevant lifestyle factors which may need modification to keep flushing/blushing from occurring.카드깡
Long-term use of Oral Antibiotics is not recommended due to a number of side effects that may occur including sun sensitivity and upset stomach.
A couple of important notes:
- It may take several weeks or more to see any improvement in the condition
- Since Rosacea cannot be cured it will often be necessary to continue with topical treatment (and modification of lifestyle factors) even after symptoms have been reduced or have disappeared. Your dermatologist will make a recommendation based on your particular situation.
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Botox: Stress lines stressing you out? 신용카드 현금화 90
No matter how much we stress about fine lines and wrinkles, we will never be able to wipe them out completely! We can buy lotions, ointments, and creams to toughen the skin in those areas but no matter what, the results aren’t permanent. It’s an expensive process that can cycle for the rest of our lives. Since we already know that over the counter products are just temporary relief from our “battle? with fine lines and that it is costly to purchase these products every other month, what is a more effective way to tone this process down a bit so that we can maintain a much smoother and “wrinkle-free? face for a longer period of time?
Well, there is always a cosmetic procedure called facelifts! Of course, that is a procedure that would probably have been thought of later in life. Facelifts are also generally for lifting area’s that have been sagged by age and should be thought of carefully. What’ll help those stress lines on our foreheads and those fine lines that appear every time we squint? Botox. Botox is a cosmetic procedure done by cosmetic surgeons as well as dermatologists.
Now, we all are already familiar with Botox and that it’s been a really popular procedure done all over the world, but have YOU thought of using Botox yourself? Botox is a safe procedure that the FDA approved back in the late ’80s as a cosmetic procedure that can be used to help temporarily ease these fine lines and wrinkles. What Botox basically is, is a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Surgeons use to use the bacteria specifically to numb surrounding muscles of an area that was operated on. Nowadays, doctors use Botox primarily for cosmetics. The procedure for Botox is basically injecting it into the targeted areas so that it suppresses the muscles that are used to help make facial expression lines. These results are guaranteed and can last 4-6 months. Remember that the answers are out there, we just have to use our recourses wisely. There is no need to stress over these stress lines anymore. 신용카드 현금화 업체

Yikes. Are You Losing Your Hair?
Although we tend to think of it as a guy thing, millions of women have unexpected hair loss. But some experts believe that dramatically thinning hair–the fallout (literally) from stress, poor nutrition, an underlying medical condition, harsh hair treatments, or heredity, among other causes–is as common in women as it is in men.
Roughly half of all women over age 40 experience excessive hair loss. And one study estimates that it occurs in 75 percent of women over age 65. If you fear that your hair may be thinning significantly, keep reading to learn more about hair loss in women–what causes it, what it looks like, and what to do about it.
What’s Causing My Hair Loss?
The most common type of hair loss from the scalp (as opposed to hair loss all over the body) is androgenetic alopecia (AA), or pattern baldness.
Who Gets It?
AA is hereditary. A history of the condition in men or women on either side of your family increases your risk of developing it and also influences the age at which your hair loss begins, the speed with which it occurs, and its pattern and extent.
What Does It Look Like? Most often a woman’s hair simply thins gradually and diffusely on the top of or all over her head. In both men and women, AA is permanent and continues with aging.
What Can I Do?
Be sure to consult an expert who can help determine why your hair is thinning so you can treat the problem correctly. To find a physician in your area who specializes in diseases of the skin and hair, check out our dermatologist listing in your metro area. In the meantime, don’t be afraid to wash your hair. However, you want to make sure to avoid brushing or teasing your hair. A new hairdo can also help hide traces of baldness while giving you a beautiful new look.
Am I Losing It?
The truth is, you are–everyone is. Most of us shed 50 to 150 hairs a day. Once a hair is shed, a new hair from the same follicle replaces the lost strand–unless you have AA. AA occurs when the rate of hair shedding exceeds the rate of hair regrowth, or when the new hair shafts that grow in are thinner than the previous ones, making your mane look progressively less thick.
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
You can experience temporary hair loss, and unlike androgenetic alopecia, it’s not gradual. Two for-women-only causes of temporary hair loss are giving birth and starting birth control pills.
Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) Basics
During a chin augmentation, the chin is reshaped through the use of an implant, an injectable paste, or by changing the shape of the bone. Though most people considering facial plastic surgery are concerned with other areas of their face such as their nose, eyes, and ears, a chin augmentation is often performed to achieve symmetry with other facial features and is sometimes done in combination with other procedures such as nose surgery. One other distinction that separates chin augmentation from many other cosmetic procedures is that it, along with gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery and hair transplants, is one of only three procedures performed more frequently on male patients than on female ones.
How It’s Done
Chin augmentation is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthetic or local anesthetic with sedation. The surgeon begins the procedure by making a small incision under the chin or inside the mouth. Though incisions placed inside the mouth do not create visible scars, the chance of infection is increased, especially if plaque or other oral bacteria is present. Incision placement should be discussed with your doctor before surgery.
After the incision, the surgeon stretches the tissue to allow for implant insertion. After the implant, or synthetic paste, is molded into place inside the skin, sutures are used to pull the skin together. If the chin size is being reduced, the surgeon, after making a similar incision, sculpts the bone of the chin to change the appearance. Total surgery can last between 1 and 3 hours.
Since about 1956 chin implants have been used for augmentation. These days, of course, technology has advanced and there are many different options available: everything from silicone to more porous, flexible, and biocompatible materials. Now there is even a synthetic paste that can be used to mold a new chin. Because there are many different options available you should discuss which type your surgeon prefers and why. For some, the paste is a less appealing option because the form can change for up to two days, while others have had success.
Recovery / Post Op Expectations
After surgery patients are required to wear a protective covering over their chin for the first few days. Some bruising and swelling should be expected. There is a relatively small amount of pain, in comparison with other surgeries, but pain medication usually is prescribed. Numbness can last as long as 3 months, and soreness and tenderness can last just as long. Return to work should be expected the week following surgery.
As with any major surgery, there are risks and complications associated with chin augmentations. Infection is always a threat, as is an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Procedure specific complications include:
- Implant moving or shifting out of alignment
- Blood clots
- Rejection of implant by the body, resulting in necessary removal
Am I A Candidate?
Candidates for surgery should be at least 18 except in instances of medical necessity. Additionally, patients should be well informed and in good physical health. Most patients are unhappy with their appearance due to a weak or asymmetrical chin.
The national average physician’s fee for 2003 was reported as $1,693 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). When anesthesia and other additional charges are included, the total price tag can range from $2,500 to $5,000.
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Facelift Surgery
Facelift (Rhytidoplasty) is performed to tighten and lift excess face and neck skin. Wrinkles can be smoothed and sagging reduced.
Before Surgery
Prior to surgery, a medical history of the patient is taken in order to evaluate the general health of the patient. A careful examination is also conducted. The physician and patient discuss together how the face will look and what results can realistically be expected. The goal of the surgery is to produce a pleasing natural appearance. Photographs are taken before and after surgery in order to determine the amount of improvement. The type of anesthesia to be used, the procedure, and possible risks and complications are also discussed by the physician.
Preoperative instructions may include the elimination of certain drugs containing aspirin for several weeks before surgery in order to minimize the possibility of excess bleeding. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection. Patients may be instructed to shampoo their hair the night before surgery, and a small amount of hair at the temples or around the ears may be shaved.
The Procedure
The surgery can be performed at an outpatient surgical facility or a hospital, depending upon the physician’s and patient’s preference. It can be done under general anesthesia with the patient asleep or local anesthesia in which the area is numbed and the patient remains awake. Premedication is usually administered to relax the patient.
In the basic procedure, the surgeon works on one side of the face at a time. Incisions are made inside the hairline at the temple, running in front of the ear then around the earlobe and behind the ear, ending in the hair of the scalp. Loose skin is separated from underlying tissue and is pulled up and back and excess skin is removed. Connective tissue and sagging muscles are tightened, and in some cases, fat deposits are removed from beneath the chin and neck. This may necessitate an additional small incision under the chin. Tiny sutures are used to close the incisions. A rhytidectomy may take from three to five hours or more depending on whether other procedures are done at the same time.
After Surgery
After surgery, loose bandages which are applied to the area are usually removed the next day. Patients who are operated on in a hospital are released the day of surgery or after an overnight stay. Pain connected with the surgery is minimal to moderate and is controlled with oral medication. The surgeon determines when sutures are removed. This may be done in stages in order to minimize scarring. Scars from the incisions fade significantly with time and are, for the most part, inconspicuous because they are made within natural creases. Swelling and discoloration disappear in a week or two. Swelling can be reduced by keeping the head in a slightly elevated position when reclining. A tightness or numbness of the treated area may be present for a while, and there may be slight changes in the normal hair pattern around the incision.
For several weeks after surgery, patients are advised to avoid the sun as much as possible and to wear sunscreen when going out of doors. Healing is gradual and final results may not be apparent for several weeks. The amount of improvement varies, depending on the initial condition of the patient and the extent of surgery. In most cases, a single procedure achieves the desired results while in some cases, additional procedures may be indicated. Most patients who have had a facelift are delighted with their more attractive, rested appearance.
Each year thousands of rhytidectomies are successfully performed. There are certain inherent risks connected with every surgical procedure which should be discussed with the physician prior to surgery. Patients can minimize complications by carefully following directions given by the physician.
Source from Samual A. Botta, M.D. Coraopolis, PA
Laser Skin Resurfacing Surgery
Laser Skin Resurfacing is a revolutionary new way to improve facial wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, lip creases, and acne scarring.
A laser is an instrument that generates an intense, high energy, uniformed, single color, beam of light. We are all familiar with the red laser seen on numerous science fiction shows. With the use of a sophisticated lens, this beam can be focused to a point smaller than the tip of a hair. The physician then adjusts the energy level and directs the beam at the skin. The beam penetrates the skin to a determined depth thus eliminating damage to the surrounding tissue. The laser heats the tissue and vaporizes the cells directly. This vaporization causes the skin and collagen to shrink and thus the wrinkles decrease, leaving a more natural and even-colored skin. The skin imperfections are quickly and accurately treated, layer-by-layer, without bleeding. This may sound a bit complicated but the procedure is simple and straightforward.
This method can be used in place of chemical peels and dermabrasion. The depth of the laser can be controlled much better than with chemicals because one is using energy rather than chemicals to do the work. Laser skin resurfacing produces a much less inflammatory response than chemical peels; therefore, there is less redness, swelling, bruising, and scarring with this procedure. Because the depth of the beam is so controlled, this fast treatment preserves the surrounding skin tissues. Thus, the patient has a significantly shorter healing time and less pain. The advantages over dermabrasion are no bleeding, no postoperative crusting, and essentially no pain.
Laser surgery is safely performed as an outpatient procedure in the physician’s office. Your physician may pretreat your skin with Glycolic Facials, Retin-A, or hydroquinones. These will help improve your result and minimize complications. A local anesthetic is used for comfort. Surgical time is less than one hour except if large areas, like the entire face, are being done.
After the procedure, you may experience redness and swelling of the areas, which will gradually improve. A moisturizer or antibiotic cream will be applied to the areas to expedite healing.
Complications from the procedure are uncommon. One may experience lighter or darker skin in the treated area. This is usually temporary and can be treated with medications. Some skin conditions may be affected by the laser treatment, such as fever blisters; however, this too is temporary. Unsightly scarring is extremely rare, as well as an infection.
There are other lasers that selectively react with certain cells in the skin and blood vessels. These lasers can be used to improve spider veins, birthmarks, hemangiomas, port wine stains, tattoos, scars, and sometimes stretch marks. Also, this method can be combined with a Facelift and Eyelid Surgery. The physician can remove the excess fat from the lower eyelids by going behind the lower eyelid. Combining this with laser resurfacing of the lower eyelid skin, a younger, more youthful appearance of the eyes can be obtained without the external scar.
Source from Robert W. DeConti, M.D. F.A.C.S, Richmond, VA
Tumescent Liposuction Q&A;
Those who heal poorly, have bleeding abnormalities, allergy to local anesthesia, or are in poor general health are not good candidates for this procedure. Cigarette smoking is strongly discouraged
The procedure will be performed in the operating room at the New England Vein and Laser Center. Most procedures take 2-4 hours.
There is some minimal discomfort during the administration of the local anesthesia. After this is complete, the procedure is relatively painless. Most patients feel pressure not pain while liposuction is performed.
Bandages are not necessary, however, you will be asked to wear a compression garment (girdle-like) under your clothing for 3-6 days after the procedure. Gauze pads are worn under the garment for approximately 48 hours to absorb drainage of fluid from the small skin incisions. You may shower the next morning.
Patients typically feel well enough to return to work in 48 hours and resume a normal exercise regimen in 7 days. Most doctors even recommended gentle exercise (i.e. walking) the day after surgery to help decrease postoperative swelling.
Some patients see results immediately; however; it usually takes up to one month to appreciate the reduction due to postoperative swelling and bruising. Continuous improvement is seen up to 3 months after the procedure.
Because the Tumescent Technique uses very small cannulas, only tiny incisions are required. The incisions are so small (3 mm) that no stitches are used. The wounds heal by themselves and virtually disappear with time.
In most cases, the skin, being a dynamic organ, is able to shrink and re-accommodate to the new body contour. In the minority of cases, patients may have decreased skin elasticity and can have the excess skin removed if they so desire at a later date. This is almost never necessary.
Fat cells weigh very little, therefore you will not notice a significant weight loss. Most noticeable will be a loss of inches in the areas treated and looser fitting clothing. Contour changes are the goal.
Cellulite is dimpling due to superficial fat. It is unlikely that cellulite will improve much with liposuction since liposuction concentrates on deeper fat accumulation.
Once puberty is reached no new fat cells develop. Fat cells simply swell and shrink in response to weight gain and loss. Therefore, if you were to gain weight after surgery the new fat would go to sites other than that treated by liposuction. The only exception to this rule is if there is a massive weight gain. In this case, new fat cells can be seen in the treated area.
Occasionally, it is not possible to remove all the excess fat in an area during one procedure. The area can be retreated or “touched-up” if the desired result is not accomplished initially. Touch-ups are quicker and less expensive than the original procedure. It is best to wait at least 3 months. However, new areas can be done sooner.
As with any surgical procedure, there are associated side effects. Patients will have some tenderness, bruising, and swelling in the areas treated. There will also be drainage from the small incisions for about 48 hours. The drainage is the residual anesthetic fluid that was not suctioned out with the fat. In a recent review of 15,335 patients treated by tumescent liposuction, the most common complications were infection, skin irregularities, and localized areas of firmness which occurred in 0.2-0.4% of patients and are correctable. No serious complications were seen and blood transfusions were not needed in any of the 15,335 patients.
Source from Steven F. Margolis MD, FACS, Concord, MA
Tummy Tuck Complications
Skin death sounds nasty, and it is. This is a serious healing problem which is due to poor circulation to the abdominal skin. It occurs because, in order to perform the abdominoplasty operation, your surgeon needs to separate your skin/fat layer from your inner girdle (so that your skin and inner girdle may be tightened). When these layers are separated, some of the circulations are lost. Usually, enough circulation remains to allow healing without skin death (doctors use the term “necrosis”). However, in some cases (especially smokers and obese patients, but possibly in anyone), the remaining circulation is inadequate. The skin above the scar line may then turn black and die. Fortunately, this is uncommon, and if it does occur, it is usually limited to a small area and heals on its own within a few weeks.
Infection may occur following any operation and may require additional surgery, intravenous antibiotics, and hospitalization. The risk is about 1%.
Hematoma is a collection of blood under the skin, which is due to bleeding that occurs after surgery is over. If the hematoma is large, you may require surgery to remove it, and it may predispose to skin death.
Seroma is a fluid collection under the skin and is due to your own body fluids that collect under the skin after surgery. To prevent seromas, many surgeons place drains under the skin at the time of surgery. A seroma may occur, anyway and can be removed using a needle and syringe. Because your abdomen will be numb after this operation, seroma removal is not painful.
Dog ears are puckers of skin on either end of your scar. If you have very very loose skin, you will be more likely to have dog ears. Fortunately, your plastic surgeon can remove your dog ears in the office under local anesthesia as a simple procedure.
Source from Jean M. Loftus, MD, FACS, Jean M. Loftus, MD, FACS, Cincinnati, OH
Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)
Nothing has a greater impact on how a person looks than the size and shape of their nose. Because the nose is the most defining characteristic of the face, a slight alteration can greatly improve one’s appearance.
As with all facial plastic surgery, good health and realistic expectations are prerequisites. Understanding nose surgery is also critical. Since there is no ideal in rhinoplasty, the goal is to improve the nose aesthetically, making it harmonize better with your other facial features.
Skin type, ethnic background, and age are important factors to be considered in discussions with your surgeon prior to surgery. Before deciding on rhinoplasty, ask your facial plastic surgeon if any additional surgery might be recommended to enhance the appearance of your face. Many patients have chin augmentation in conjunction with rhinoplasty to create a better balance of features.
Many facial plastic surgeons are trained in both; ear, nose, throat, and cosmetic surgery, which provides you with the highest level of training and expertise. You can expect a thorough examination of the structure of your nose, both externally and internally. Your surgeon will explain how the nasal structures, including bone, cartilage, and skin can be sculpted to reshape the nose.
The majority of incisions are made inside the nose. The skin is lifted from its underlying bone and cartilage support system. Next, certain amounts of bone and cartilage are removed or rearranged to provide a newly shaped structure. If the tip of the nose is too large, the surgeon can sculpt the cartilage in this area to reduce its size. The angle of the nose can also be altered for a more youthful look or to correct a distortion. The skin is then re-draped over the new frame and the incisions are closed.
Immediately after your surgery, a small nasal splint will be placed on your nose to protect it and to keep the structure stable for 5-8 days. Absorbable sutures are used that do not have to be removed. Your face will feel puffy, and you will experience some bruising, swelling, and congestion in the immediate days following surgery. It is crucial that you follow your surgeon’s directions. Some activities will be prohibited in the weeks after the procedure. Sun exposure, exertion, and risk of injury must be avoided. If you wear glasses, special arrangements must be made to ensure that the glasses do not rest on the bridge of your nose.
Follow-up care is vital for this procedure to monitor healing. Obviously, anything unusual should be reported to your surgeon immediately. It is essential that you keep all of your follow-up appointments.
Successful facial plastic surgery is a result of a good rapport between patient and surgeon. Trust, based on realistic expectations and exacting medical expertise, develops in the consulting stage prior to surgery.
Source from Gregory C. Roche, D.O., Bloomfield Hills, MI
Surgery of the Brow (Forehead/Brow lift Surgery)
The forehead is often the sight of transverse wrinkles and frown lines between the eyes. Also, with aging the eyebrows begin to sag, producing a sad, tired appearance to the eyes. A forehead/brow lift is performed to improve the wrinkles in these areas by removing selected muscles, which cause these wrinkles and releasing tissues to allow redraping of the forehead skin. It is often combined with Eyelid Surgery or Laser Skin Resurfacing.
Classically, the operation was performed through an incision placed across the scalp between the ears. The corrugator and procerus muscles( which cause the vertical and horizontal wrinkles overlying the nose between the eyes) are removed. The forehead tissue is released from its attachments to the forehead, allowing the skin to be redraped, tightened, and the excess removed. However, the incision leads to loss of scalp sensation and hair loss at the incision. The Endoscopic Surgery technique, which has largely replaced the classic technique, is performed through three half-inch incisions. It has revolutionized this technique allowing similar results with minimal complications. However, if one has severe transverse wrinkling of the forehead, then a classical forehead lift may be necessary.
The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis in the office or at any of the Richmond area hospitals. It can be performed under local anesthesia with deep sedation or general anesthesia. Surgical time is 1 to 2 hours.
After the surgery, one may have swelling and discoloration of the skin. The swelling may involve the eyelids and face. This will gradually improve. Sutures are removed in 7 to 10 days. Strenuous activity is restricted for six weeks. Makeup can be applied after three days.
Complications are rare with the endoscopic technique. The traditional complications of loss of scalp sensation or loss of hair are almost nonexistent. Bleeding, infection, and rarely nerve injury are possible.
Source from Robert W. DeConti, M.D. F.A.C.S, Richmond, VA

Breast augmentation as a last resort
After years of working out that body of yours, you realize all the hard work it took you to get to that physique that you have always wished for had made you lose not only the weight but something else…
Your diet and sacrifice certain foods, you drink water or juices instead of shakes or sodas, and you train your body as if it were your full-time job. You look in the mirror and please your own eyes to see that you have finally reached the utmost physical limitation that your body can endure, but something is missing (besides the fat, that is). And that is, your breast!
What women don’t really take into consideration that heavy exercising and dieting can lead to smaller cup sizes. Now, you must take into consideration that it depends on the type of exercising you do that will determine the reduction of breast size. Working out your chest muscles is one way to maintain your breast size. The reduction of breast size can be fixed in the end and there is still a way to maintain your breast size.
The last resort is Breast augmentation. Breast augmentation is a procedure that has been growing in the cosmetic surgery field since the early ’90s. In the year 2000 alone, there were 185,755 procedures of breast augmentation. Now, it isn’t a must that every woman who stays fit will have to result in breast augmentation, it all depends on the woman. One main fact is that not every exercise reduces your breast size. There are many factors that should be thought of before resulting in getting implants. Breast augmentation is a very serious procedure and every woman that decides to get implants must do it for themselves and for anyone else. Remember, this is the last resort and is just a suggestion. Ask yourself, “Is breast augmentation right for me?”

A Liposuction Patient Story
People have surgery for all sorts of reasons. The main reason is that there is something about us that needs to be improved. Before we even decide to have surgery, we have tried to live with these issues.
We had a chance to receive a patient experience with liposuction. She’s a 42-year-old female and the CEO of her company; let’s take a look at what she had to say about her experience and how she found the right doctor, Dr. Melton.
“I tried everything to reduce the areas, but nothing worked. I run every day for 45 minutes, and I do strength training 3 times a week for an hour. And I had been doing that for over a year before I finally said nothing is working and I finally did liposuction.
I went to four or five different doctors before I came here. And all of them wanted to knock me out to do the surgery. And that scared me too much. It scared me too much to be totally knocked out for the surgery. Dr. Melton was the only doctor who said we would keep you awake. I think that during the procedure itself, that being able to talk to everyone that was in the room and listen to the music, was calming to me. I didn’t find it to be horribly painful. And I felt like I maintained control.
All of you are wonderful. Dr. Melton answered all of my questions and spent time with me. The consultation was very informative. I think that you were all prepared to answer any question I had. But because I had done so much research ahead of time, I didn’t have too many questions.
I had the liposuction right before I had a 2-week vacation. But by the very next day, I had no problems with it. The only part that was difficult was changing all the bandages. I didn’t realize how many band-aids I would have! But even that was nothing really. I could easily have gone back to work in 2 days easily. Since I had liposuction, the biggest changes are my appearance, the way my clothes fit, and the way I feel about myself. I am a lot more self-confident since I had liposuction. I find myself wearing clothes that I haven’t worn before. I actually wore a sleeveless dress to a wedding the other night! So it really has changed a lot for me.?/font>
Jeffery Melton M.D.
Oak Brook, IL

Tummy Tuck
Have you ever reached a point in your life where you can’t fit into certain jeans or is afraid of showing a little skin? Have you met the point where diet and exercise just don’t cut it?
Well, an abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck,?can be your conclusion to this stress. What a tummy tuck does, is that it removes excess skin and fat, to tighten the muscles that get stretched in childbirth. The incision is usually made from pelvic bone to pelvic bone, right above your Brazilian Bikini wax. The scars for tummy tucks can sometimes be angled to hide under high cut thongs. If there were a lot of skin to be redraped, a new tummy button may be made. With a modified or mini tummy tuck, the incision is shorter and the tummy button may not need to be moved (this only works when there is very little to be tucked).
After the operation, a total of 2-3 weeks is required for healing before going back to work.

Eyelid Surgery
We can’t stress the fact enough that eye contact is one of the few ways we can judge a person’s character. While people talk about getting facelifts, one of the most popular revisions in cosmetic surgery involves the eyelids. As we grow older, our upper eyelids tend to droop and our lower eyelids start to get baggy. This results in an extremely tired, old look.
The surgical procedure that is known for this correction is known as “blepharoplasty.?Blepharoplasty removes the “fatty? pouches that cause these problems. When visible, the skin that has stretched over the years can also be removed. The drooping around the upper eyelid involves the removal of excess skin, muscle, and fat. The incisions follow natural contour lines in the upper eyelids. The lower lid can be made on the inside, therefore leaving no visible scars.

Permanent Cosmetic Makeup, Hidden Treasure or Lost Art?
Skin art has been discovered on the skin of Egyptian mummies dating back to 2000 B. C. Tools of the trade were soot, gunpowder, sharpened stones, and other primitive implements. Dermal pigmentation, commonly known as tattooing, has been present for centuries in our cultures for the purpose of body adornment. The implanting of pigments, colors, and/or dyes intradermally results in a permanent alteration of tissue to gain a cosmetic effect.
One of the newest additions to the cosmetics world is “permanent makeup,” also referred to as derma pigmentation or micro-pigmentation. This technique benefits women with poor vision, arthritis, problems with dexterity, allergies to makeup, watery eyes, or problems with contact lenses or oily skin that causes makeup to smear. Also, convenience might be a consideration for an athletic woman who wants to look good during sports or exercise. Some women simply don’t like to be seen without makeup.
One of the most beneficial uses for permanent eye makeup is to recreate the illusion of lost lashes and brows due to hair loss induced by chemotherapy, or a condition that causes total hair loss known as alopecia areata. More and more men and women are becoming aware of how the advantages of “natural-looking” permanent cosmetic makeup can enhance and accent features of their appearance. It won’t wash off, smudge or smear and will always look professionally applied.
Permanent makeup is also used to line and fill in the lips. It can correct irregularly shaped lips, as well as make the lips look fuller. Because of its permanence, many women find it convenient to only apply a lip gloss instead of lip color all the time. It can transform mornings and evenings, of time-consuming effort, into minutes; and your look is always great. Now you can have eyeliner, eyebrows, lip liner, or a full-color mouth twenty-four hours a day.
There is an expanding field of permanent cosmetics called corrective camouflage. Loss of pigmentation in the skin, either through accidents, birthmarks, vitiligo, or a multitude of other skin irregularities and disorders, are problems that may be corrected through pigmentation. Postsurgical scars, if noticeable, can be camouflaged by pigmenting the lighter colored areas of the scar to match the surrounding skin. Many burn survivors can have scar tissue pigmented to create asymmetry to the contour of the lips and eyebrows. The main objective when using corrective cosmetics is to play down the abnormality and draw attention to other areas.
Permanent cosmetic makeup procedures (compared to expenses like hair, nails, and cosmetics) are a relatively inexpensive way to improve one’s appearance on a permanent basis. Most people absolutely love the end result. It can be a very freeing experience and change or highlight features. There’s beauty in everyone and there’s always the possibility that there is something that can be improved.
NOTE: You cannot donate blood for up to one year after having any tattooing procedure.
Popular cosmetic dental treatment
Implants – A treatment for people with missing or lost teeth, unlike a denture that can be taken off easily, it is a fixture that acts and feels like a natural tooth. While denture can cause loss of jawbone as nature’s process, dental implant help stop the bone loss by mimicking the roots of natural teeth.
Bonding – A procedure for people with chipped or cracked teeth, treatment is to apply an enamel-like material to a tooth’s surface, sculpted into a shape, hardened, and polished to whitening the teeth.
Whitening – The most practiced cosmetic dental procedure, many options are available to consumers and price varies by these options.
Veneers – A procedure gaining popularity for people who have gaps between teeth or stained teeth. Veneers are ultra-thin laminates that are wrapped directly to the teeth.

To Lipo or Not To Lipo
Like any major surgery, liposuction has many risks and complications associated with it that should be taken into consideration. Most complications occur due to too much or too little fat being removed too much anesthesia, or excessive trauma due to many surgeries or areas on which liposuction is performed at one time. Many complications are preventable if the patient is well educated on the procedure and takes the time to find a qualified, experienced surgeon. Some common complications include:
- Blisters
- Hematoma
- Hyperpigmentation
- Indentations due to excessive liposuction
- Permanent blotchy discoloration due to injured blood vessels
- Skin depressions
- Temporary lumpiness
In other cases severe and life-threatening complications can occur due to patient reaction, surgical error, or improperly sterilized instruments. Some of these include blood clots, damage to internal organs, hypothermia, severe blood loss, infection, heart failure, nerve or brain damage, and seizures.
Am I A Candidate?
A candidate for liposuction should be at least 18 and should understand and accept surgical risks. Patients are usually of normal or average body weight but have pockets or areas of fat that they wish to have removed.
In today’s fast-paced world, we need to get back to the basics of personal hygiene. Developing good habits like brushing teeth and flossing after meals will ensure a healthy, gorgeous set of teeth for years and will minimize paying hefty dental bills later. Many people spend thousands of dollars annually at the dentist’s office because they fail to take five minutes to clean up after a meal.
To avoid this pitfall, if you can, after eating lunch go to the office restroom and floss/brush teeth or at home before doing anything else that would distract you from the task. Hold the brush at a forty-five-degree angle when cleaning the upper and lower teeth and use a soft-bristle toothbrush because anything harder will damage the gums. Make sure you get the inside row of teeth when doing this. Don’t brush too hard because it will cause bleeding.
The next step is flossing and rinsing with mouthwash. Pull out seven inches of floss and wrap it around both middle fingers and tug until it’s tight. Then carefully insert the floss between teeth and gently go down and underneath the gum-line and then up again; move the piece of floss as you go along. For fresh breath, please rinse with mouthwash for that mint taste after brushing and flossing your teeth.
With enough practice, you will pick up speed and have excellent oral hygiene in no time and a better social life. It’s beneficial to maintain a beautiful smile by using this simple yet efficient beauty tip; your dentist and pocketbook will thank you.
Porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are thin, shell-like slices of ceramic bonded to the front of the teeth. They are used to cover gaps, to reshape chipped teeth, or whiten stained teeth. At $1000 to $1,800 a tooth, they are one of cosmetic dentistry’s costlier options. However, they are also one of the most natural-looking and long-lasting whitening options available.
The application of porcelain veneers requires three trips to your dentist. First, visit your dentist for a diagnosis and treatment planning session. This is when you and your dentist will discuss your specific needs. Next, return for a preparation session. This time, your dentist will buff about half a millimeter off your teeth to create room for the veneer. He or she will also create a mold of your teeth and send it to a laboratory. Within two weeks, the laboratory will send back the veneers based on this mold. Finally, return for the bonding session. Your dentist will first give you a “trial fitting” of your veneers; he or she will use water or glycerine to attach them to your teeth. This fitting is your chance to comment on the fit and color of the veneers and to request any final changes or adjustments. Once you are satisfied with the look of the veneers, your dentists will clean your teeth with bond-aiding chemicals and cement the veneers to your teeth. Finally, he or she will flash a light on the veneers to speed up the hardening of the cement.
Tooth Whitening Procedure
Like any other treatment, there are many techniques to improve the brightness of the tooth. Then, they can also be categorized by where it is performed. We will go over both options.
Treatment from doctor’s office
Laser bleaching – This is an in-office bleaching procedure using laser light with a whitening gel. The treatment is to apply the bleaching gel to the tooth and use a laser light to activate the crystals for absorbing energy from the light and penetrate the teeth enamel to increase the lightening effect on the teeth. The advantage of the treatment is it takes only one visit for a striking effect.
Britesmile teeth whitening – This is another bleaching procedure that can be followed up at home. The treatment also uses light with a whitening gel. The difference is it uses a special light instead of laser light. It also takes one office visit to be treated.
At-home teeth whitening
You wear a custom-fitted mouth tray containing a whitening gel for a couple of hours a day. The treatment will last for one to two weeks to see a full effect and can run in conjunction with in-office bleaching. This is a common technique because it is easy and economical. At-home teeth whitening kits have become widely available across the country.
Extreme Make Overs
Ten thousand applicants tried for a spot on Extreme Makeover’s second season. The popular T.V. show is one in a line of many other reality programs and primetime dramas that take a look at the world of cosmetic surgery. On Extreme Makeover, participants are away from their families for several weeks, during which time they undergo a number of different cosmetic procedures, and meet with personal trainers and fashion consultants who teach them how to uphold their improved look. A good portion of the weeks away is spent recovering from surgery and working with makeover specialists.
The show emphasizes the willingness of the participants to stick to a regimented exercise and diet plan. Also, because the surgeons used for the show are given final veto power over the participants, they have realistic expectations of what will happen after surgery and are willing to do whatever it takes.
Cosmetic Surgery Organizations React
Of course, education and understanding expected results are something plastic surgeons have been preaching to their patients for years. Not surprisingly, shortly after plastic surgery reality T.V. shows like this one, The Swan, and I Want A Famous Face, most cosmetic surgery organizations, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) have issued statements urging patients to be reasonable and educated when choosing elective surgery. As the marketplace expands and advances, and with media attention and television programs that portray either incredible success or surgical disaster, it is no wonder that patient education is seen as a top priority for most cosmetic organizations.
James Wells, former president of the ASPS further emphasized this point; quoted in an April 2004 article for National Geographic as saying “These shows (The Swan and I Want A Famous Face) are in very bad taste. They really tread on the insecurities of the patient.” Wells offered his early endorsement of Extreme Makeover in 2002 because practicing surgeons were given final permission to veto potential patients and because he believes it offers a more realistic impression, following patients from consultation through the follow-up.
More about Plastic Surgery
In earlier years, plastic surgery was seen as Hollywood extravagance, and most people marveled at the facial and body changes and unnatural the youthful appearance of celebrities like Joan Rivers. Now, this couldn’t be farther from the case. With financing options now available, plastic surgery has worked its way into new markets including men and the middle class, and most patients are very open about the procedures that they have had done, often having come out parties to show off their new look.
With around 8.7 million cosmetic procedures performed in 2003, and most patients happy with their results, it is evident that plastic and cosmetic surgery can mean success for prepared patients. Last year numbers reached an all-time high, and with the dramatic increase in procedures like body contouring after bariatric surgery and buttocks implants, operations that reflect the latest cultural shifts, the numbers only promise to grow.
What People Are Getting Done
Participants on Extreme Makeover undergo a wide variety of operations, not necessarily limited to the plastic surgery specialty. Many people get procedures such as porcelain veneers and teeth whitening to enhance their smile, LASIK eye surgery to correct vision, and hair transplants to combat male pattern baldness.
Of course, cosmetic plastic surgery is found in no short order and it’s no surprise that many guests choose some of the most popular procedures going. For the women, procedures like breast augmentation, rhinoplasty (nose job), Botox injections, tummy tuck, and chemical peels, among others, produce the desired youthful and slimming look many of these women are going for. Of course, the men are getting in on the act too with face and body implants such as chin augmentation and male breast implants to make them look more fit. They are also getting procedures that have been making women look better for years, like eyelid surgery, brow lifts, facelifts, and liposuction.
What You Need to Know About Multiple Cosmetic Procedures
On Extreme Makeover, patients are getting several procedures done during a single session. Sessions such as these occurred in rare numbers before the show aired, but now more and more patients are walking into their plastic surgeons with a wish list, wanting three or more procedures at a time. Another new trend; they know the name of the procedures they want to be performed. Before they knew the problem they wanted to be corrected, they had bags under their eyes and wanted that fixed, now they come in asking for blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).
For the most part, surgeons are willing to perform more than one procedure at a given time, but the general consensus is that more than six hours under general anesthesia is too great a risk. In the July/August issue of Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Dr. W. Grant Stevens and two colleagues published the results of a study comparing abdominoplasty surgery performed with no other surgeries with the same procedure in conjunction with one or two others. The results showed no significant difference in adverse effects. Many surgeons agree that multiple surgeries are a viable possibility if the patient’s health warrants it; after all, safety is the main concern. Skeptics like Dr. Charles E. Hughes III, who wrote a rebuttal to Stevens’ study in the same issue, are fearful that others might not have similar success, as more time on the operating table equals increased risk.
After Multiple Procedures
The longer a patient is under general anesthesia, the longer the recovery period after. This is because anesthesia strongly affects the cardiovascular system. For this reason, there are some surgeons who prefer having to put their patients through surgery only once for a longer duration. Soreness is generally greater after multiple procedures, and swelling usually lingers longer, therefore the option of more than one procedure during a single session is only an option for those who have adequate time to recover. On the flip side, some surgeons wish to perform procedures on their patients one at a time so that the progress can be gauged after each surgery, and the next can be altered, where necessary, to produce better, more directed results.
Whichever option you choose, as always, you should do so carefully. Select board-certified physicians, allow for sufficient recovery time, and always follow your doctor’s instructions as closely as possible.
In this cultural climate where the cosmetic surgery boom meets the reality T.V. craze, doctors are enjoying an increase of patients at their front door. This doesn’t always translate to success, however, if the patient’s expectations hover over the realm of the possible. Now is the time for patients to be educated, prepared, and willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes.